WE -


The We Transform Youth Empowerment and Reintegration Programme is the Ministry’s flagship youth transformation programme geared at providing children (12-17 yrs.) within the care and supervision of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) with the requisite skillset, character and support to become productive exemplary citizens. The We Transform Programme was established by Minister of State Pearnel Charles Jr in 2016 and initially branded as the Learning by Doing Initiative; a student centered approach to rehabilitation.



  • Contribute to the reduction in youth offending/reoffending and by extension crime and violence
  • Build self-esteem, sense of purpose, and hope; as well as promote good values and attitudes among the children
  • Empower the target groups to become agents of change/exemplary citizens
  • Create public awareness and engender multisectoral participation and support in the rehabilitation and transformation of the children
  • Strengthen the institutional capacity of the DCS to effectively deliver rehabilitation and reintegration programmes.


Pillar 1- Application of the Learning by doing Technique: Youth Engaged in innovative training in academics, vocational education, and employability and life skills.

Pillar 2- Mentorship & Internship: Private Sector, NGOs, Churches et al provide the youth with mentoring in personal/career development, and internship/job opportunities.

Pillar 3- Annual Competition & Exposition: Children’s varying talents and skills, showcased and publicized during a friendly competition.

Pillar 4- Healthy Lifestyle: Children engaged in life skills and healthy lifestyle training.

Pillar 5- Parent Engagement & Training: Parents/caregivers engaged in parenting workshops.

Pillar 6- Staff Capacity Building: DCS staff engaged in development training; and recognized for outstanding work and commitment

The WE TRANSFORM Programme provides a unique platform for the forging of partnerships among various sectors including other Ministries, the Private Sector, NGOs, Churches, Media, Mentors and Ambassadors, with a view to provide the best sustainable solutions and opportunities to empower child offenders and high risk children towards transformation.


The WE TRANSFORM Programme is strategically aligned to:

Jamaica’s National Development Plan (NDP)- Vision 2030 “Jamaica, the place to live, work, raise families and do business.”

The Four National Goals of the NDP:

  • Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential
  • Jamaican’s economy is prosperous
  • Jamaica has a healthy natural environment

MNS’ Five Pillar Crime Strategy:

  • Pillar 1- Effective Policing
  • Pillar 2- Swift and Sure Justice
  • Pillar 3- Crime Prevention through Social Development
  • Pillar 4- Situational Crime Prevention
  • Pillar 5- Rehabilitation and Redemption/Reducing Re-offending

DCS’ Vision:
Repurposing lives to create safer communities and a productive Jamaica.


You may partner with us by providing support for the children in one or more of the following areas:

  • Mentorship
  • Financial Support
  • Internship Opportunities
  • In-Kind Support
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