
Management of Custodial Services is the remit of the Deputy Commissioner of Custodial Services who has responsibility for the management and administration of seven (7) adult and four (4) juvenile institutions as well as the transport centre, search team and operations and technical units. 

Adult Institutions

  1. Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre [for males] (TSACC) – Reception Institution
  2. St. Catherine Adult Correctional Centre [for males] (ST.CACC) – Reception Institution
  3. Fort Augusta Adult Correctional Centre [for females] (FAACC) – Reception Institution
  4. Tamarind Farm Correctional Centre [for males] (TFACC)
  5. Richmond Farm Correctional Centre [for males] (RFACC)
  6. New Broughton Sunset Adult Correctional Centre [senior males] (NBSACC)
  7. Horizon Adult Remand Centre [for males and females] (HARC)

Juvenile Institutions

There are three Juvenile Correctional Centres and one Juvenile Remand Centre:

  1. Hill Top Juvenile Correctional Centre [For boys]
  2. Metcalfe Street Secure Juvenile Remand Centre [For boys]
  3. Rio Cobre Juvenile Correctional Centre [For boys]
  4. South Camp Juvenile Remand & Correctional Centre [For girls]
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